16 NIGHTS OF TERROR! • OCT 4th - NOV 2nd
Box Office open from 7:00 - 11:00. We close after everyone gets through.

HexHouse™ has long been known for being the best haunted house in Oklahoma but in recent years HexHouse™ has burst onto the national scene by receiving recognition as one of the best Haunted Houses in America nationwide. HauntWorld.com rated HexHouse™as one of the 15 Haunted Houses in The World – Fox News ranked HexHouse™ in Americas top 10 Haunted Houses to name a few. HexHouse™ has earned its spot as one of the BEST Haunted Houses in America by providing an exhilarating experience for its customers. HexHouse™ provides three haunted attractions in one location! HexHouse / Haunted Overdrive and The Experiment! These haunted attractions are fun for the entire family!